Thank you for this post. It was informative, elegant and inspirational. It was also courageous, given the absurd backlash from some corners of the media.

Especially apt is your mention of purity as regards the Appeal to Heaven flag. I think of it as good faith and I ascribe good faith to Mrs. Alito's displaying of the Appeal to Heaven flag outside of the Alito home. Unfortunately, good faith cannot be applied to Justice and Mrs. Alito's detractors.

With our country in such dire straits, an Appeal to Heaven, praying for deliverance from our national travails, done with purity of heart and in good faith, is most certainly appropriate as well as being the right of Mrs. Alito and all Americans.

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Hi Victoria, I was really excited when I discovered the purity connection to the Appeal to Heaven phrase especially in the references of George Washington. One of the definitions or virtues that the Continental Congress gave to the color white in 1782 is purity. I better understand now what they meant by purity in their culture, that purity was associated with appealing to Heaven. You didn't go through the motions of praying, you prayed from a pure heart, humble heart seeking forgiveness for sin.

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Very good. Thanks, I enjoy reading your work.

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