Sitemap - 2022 - Jane Hampton Cook’s Substack

Why an Economic Shutdown and Accusations of Insurrection Followed the Boston Tea Party

A Star Appears in the East

Thanksgiving--A Shared Value

Pt. 1: "Selfie" Advice from Ben Franklin's Father

Hunt for Red October: Submarines' Revolutionary Start by a Connecticut Inventor

When a Beer Ad Promoted Religious Liberty

Meet King Charles the Tyrant

Pt. 3 of 3: How the "9/11" & Great Awakening of the War of 1812 Led to Our National Anthem

Pt. 2-White House Inferno, the 9-11 of 1812

Pt. 1: Capitol Conflagration, the 9-11 of 1812

Remembering John Adams's David McCullough

When the Enemy Targeted George Washington's House

Was freedom of speech born on July 9, 1722?

America's Got Talent: Decoding the Declaration of Independence

John Quincy Adams, Monsters and the 4th of July

The Truth about Red, White and Blue--240th Anniversary

American Phoenix, Pt. 6 of 6: Déjà Vu & Eve's Leaves #Russia

Flag Day: When did the first U.S. flag become the Betsy Ross flag?

Flag Day, June 14: What does the Flag mean?

The Second Amendment & Paul Revere's Ride

American Phoenix, Pt. 5 of 6: Baltic Circle

Memorial Day- The Fear of Being Forgotten

Memorial Day: John Adams Walks "in the Congregation of the Dead."

American Phoenix, Pt. 4 of 6, Patriotic Character & All the World's a Stage. #Russia

Mother's Day: How Motherhood has influenced my historical books

Did John Adams Warn about Twitter Debasing Americans? Would he applaud Elon Musk's Takeover?

What would George Washington say about the Biden family's corruption?

American Phoenix, Pt. 3 of 6: Danish Prey & 300 Trapped Americans #Russia

Ben Franklin Battles Societal Censorship & Cancel Culture #Free Speech, Pt. 2 of 3

Ben Franklin Battles Government Censorship & Cancel Culture #Free Speech, Pt. 1 of 3

American Phoenix, Pt. 2 of 6, Goodbye, Boston Birches, #Russia

American Phoenix, “I fear the emperor of #Russia is half an American.” Part 1 of 6: Fireworks

Would George Washington support Ukraine or Russia?

In a World Gone Mad, Launching a New Year